The twin brothers Nico and Simon Haussmann, who have been successfully active in international trade for over 20 years, are passionate tennis players – since their childhood and former team players in the Württemberg League for Men 30.
When their local tennis club was due to convert the hall lighting to LED technology, the brothers tackled the issue together with the club's board of directors. It quickly became clear that the systems available on the market at the time were either too expensive or not powerful enough. Thanks to their extensive trade contacts and the fortunate fact that the club had very capable, internationally recognized lighting engineers as members, the brothers managed to find a tailor-made solution that met the club's requirements. The result exceeded all expectations and at the same time laid the foundation for Sinus Electrics.
Dr. Gminderstraße 26, 72636 Frickenhausen
Telefon 49 7022 904904